
Makimtek is a company that works for smart cities and develops technologies to make people’s lives easier. Eliminate risks of ice formation on your high exposure surfaces with the this system. An entirely automatic liquid de-icing system triggered directly by the smart active sensor technology.

What are our solutions?

Fixed systems, various sensors evaluate the current local conditions and automatically determine whether application of the anti-icing chemicals is merited. The fixed systems are controlled locally at the site or are actuated from a remote location.

  • Snow melting systems & deicing solutions for roads.
  • Automated Spray Technology for roads.

A system built for your requirements

This system facilitates early action in the most difficult areas in the event of snowfall and keeps tires gripped to the surface.
Spray heads

Fixed onto the side rail, spray heads are offer a quick and powerful spray to cover all road.

Safe and effective in the most difficult places

Spray heads are specially produced by Makimtek to spray anti-icing solutions.

About Product

Automated Spray Technology systems are an anti-icing treatment method to prevent the formation and bonding of frost, ice and snow to the roadway.

Automated spray technology has been used for years in practice and theory both in Turkey and globally as an alternative to conventional method for struggle against snow and ice on highway superstructure.

Automation of winter service

This systems are typically deployed on bridges, which are often the first locations to become slick or icy during a storm. They are also good candidates for remote, difficult to reach locations. When these systems are automated, they make use of road weather information systems to identify the preferred activation time.

Proactive approach

The purpose of this system is a proactive approach to reduce or even eliminate the impact of snow and ice factors that negatively affect the skid resistance on highway superstructure.


Is a snow melting system for roads a necessity?

The freezing phenomenon of the road surface caused by snowfall and rapid temperature drop in winter makes it difficult for vehicles to pass, causing traffic congestion and even isolation of certain areas. In addition, it causes various traffic accidents, resulting in significant personal injury as well as property damage. As a method for solving such …


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Telephone +90 850 221 95 06

WhatsApp +90 533 456 67 98